Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ad Ideas for October: Real Estate Trends

With mortgage rates hitting their lowest in 50 years, it’s time to talk to your real estate agents about advertising with you. Ask them which properties are moving and which aren't and how your media can help. Determine which homes are good matches for the demographic you're attracting. It may also help to target specific agents who attract clients that fit your audience demographics.

Use the following national trends to help your agents craft the right ad messaging. You can also check out localized market condition reports (Realty Times) to help tailor your pitch.

  • More single women are buying homes
  • Buyers are choosing homes based on lifestyle options including: ease of commuting by car (38%), access to health and safety services (34%), family-friendly neighborhood (33%), availability of retail stores (32%), access to cultural activities (21%), public transportation access (19%), nightlife and restaurant access (18%) and golf-friendly area (6%)
  • 72% of people currently renting would like to own a home, but credit and/or down payment issues are the major hurdles they face
  • Most buyers want homes that don’t need repairs
  • Fewer people are interested in flipping houses because they are staying on the market too long
  • Price is the number one factor in selling a home

Need to enhance your media's offerings for real estate advertising? Try selling space in a journalistic style advertorial report covering what's "hot" in real estate this week/month featuring homes listed by your advertisers. Video is great, but even just photos and copy showcasing homes will work.

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