Friday, November 7, 2008

January 8-12 is National Thank Your Customer Week. According to, a business coach for helping entrepreneurs and business leaders, “68% of customers leave because they feel they are being treated indifferently, not because of a ‘bad’ experience, poor quality products, or better pricing somewhere else.” Without customers, businesses would fail, and this is a good time for businesses to show customers how much they appreciate their business.

Ad/Promotion Ideas:
• Businesses can advertise any special sales they are holding and what promotional items they are giving away during this week.
• Create a “How We Are Thanking Our Customers” ad series featuring a different business each week.

Businesses to Contact:
• Businesses that sell promotional items
• Thank-you card businesses
• Any businesses wanting to thank their customers

Share your experiences!
Have you tried a promotion involving National Thank Your Customer Week? Was it successful? Do you have any other ideas? Post them as a comment and let’s increase ad sales together.

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